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Showing posts from February, 2017

What Do You Want to DO in Retirement?

Den and I were kicking around this very topic last night: What do you wan t your retirement to look like? Ways to get things done I'm changing life-long habits My husband indicated that he wants to see changes in how we do things at home. He wants me to schedule weekly chores, and become more organized (OK, he's right that I could definitely benefit from this). I set up an erasable calendar, with just a few things scheduled. Later, once I get those things a part of a routine, I can add more stuff. I have two calendars: Monthly - it's erasable, and has been a great help in getting my commitments in front of my husband (I've try using online calendars, but he doesn't look at them). It's also helped me in daily/weekly planning. A workweek-only one under the monthly one, with room for daily tasks/reminders. So far, this system has been working for me. Catholicism My husband picked up a couple of the Matthew Kelly books at church. The organiza...

Technology Down!

I've been experiencing Kindle problems for a month or so. Slow to charge, not charging without several tries. Yesterday, it gave up the ghost - would NOT charge, and wouldn't even flash to indicate that it was alive. Naturally, I did a search to find the cure for my terminal bookholder. Finally found the answer at Eddie on Everything. It's not completely up yet, but happily flashing the green light, so I have confidence that it will be usable this afternoon.

Part-Time Work For Post-Retirement

We've been in touch with an organization that is interested in working with us to put on a workshop for middle school science teachers. We've been asked to put together a proposal, and submit it. They already expressed an interest in the ideas, when I pitched them on it. This is BIG! It's an activity that my husband and I can pursue even after we leave paid employment, in various parts of the country. I'm working on the proposal, and crossing my fingers that it is accepted for this summer.

Medicare Fraud Crack-Down

Notice, however, this is hitting the people behind the schemes, not the possibly tricked elderly. Fraud taking money from government programs is a HUGE (YUGE?) thing. They range from doctors billing for non-existent treatment, to over-prescribing drugs for participants, to luring patients in with the promise of FREE stuff (mobility devices for ALL!). It's not free - it is spending money that taxpayers don't have, to enrich people with no conscience. With government programs, if you don't pay for something, it's not the same as getting it for FREE! Someone - perhaps younger or future taxpayers - is paying for it. Free stuff comes at a cost - that money won't be available for other needs - defense of our borders, care for veterans, paying back the money that is already owed (here is a link to the National Debt Clock - the upper left hand corner shows the overall tally - other parts put that figure in context). That's all money SOMEONE has to pay for - and...