Almost every day, I find 3-8 solicitations in the mail, that are tied to my age/approaching retirement. Every one of them is designed to separate me from my money. Medicare ads Hearing aid offers Insurance ads Financial planning ads Mortgage refi offers Retirement property/retirement community flyers I generally junk most. A few I put into a folder, to be looked at when the need arises. I wonder what percentage of the senior population acts on these offers. I've divided my mail into groups: Current bills - they go into the slotted dividers, to be acted on/paid when due Information - two types Tax info - in the box to be taken to the accountant after the first of the year Long-term information - put into folders, and file away until needed Junk - toss/shred and toss Personal - my choice By far the biggest group is junk. I resist the temptation to load up on debt by immediately tearing the credit offers into pieces. The same with re...
My Adventures Before and After Retirement
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright